The Jammu and Kashmir Board of School Education (JKBOSE) has updated the date sheet for the ninth grade examination for places that fall within the difficulty zone. In March of 2025, the new date sheet was made available to the public. During the months of April and May 2025,
Jammu Kashmir 9th Date Sheet 2025 Download Link
Name of Exam | Jammu & Kashmir 10th Board |
Name of Board | Jammu and Kashmir State Board of School Education |
Official Website | |
Time Table Announcement | January |
Class 9th | High School Examination |
The JKBOSE 9th examinations for hard zone locations will be administered. At an earlier time, the board made available the date sheet for the ninth grade of the JKBOSE for soft zone locations in January of 2025. During the months of March and April 2025, the JKBOSE 9th examinations for the soft zone were administered. You may get the JKBOSE date sheet for the ninth grade by downloading it from the official website, which is located at, or by following the link that is provided below.
The schedule for the practical test is made available in a separate distribution. In the hard zone region, the JKBOSE ninth examination will start at nine in the morning. All of the information on test dates, time, and instructions for the day of the exam may be found on the date sheet for class 9th JKBOSE 2025. It is important for students to carefully plan out their study plans in order to ensure that they are able to finish their JKBOSE class 9th curriculum as quickly as possible.
Where can I get the PDF file for the JKBOSE 9th Datesheet 2025?
If students complete the procedures that are given below, they will be able to receive the date sheet for the ninth class in 2025 JKBOSE.
- Go to the official website, which may be found at
- Put the cursor in the menu bar and choose the ‘Student’ option. Choose the ‘Examination’ option now.
- Select the Jammu and Kashmir (hard and soft zone) that best fits your needs, and then click on it.
- At this moment, the screen will display a new page that contains the date sheet for the ninth grade JKBOSE.
- Select the “JKBOSE 9th date sheet 2025” option after that.
- Downloading of the date sheet for the ninth grade of the JKBOSE will start. Create a duplicate of it, and then organise your study in accordance with it.